Monday, February 23, 2009


My life has been filled with friends lately, and I'm loving it. Not just my friends here in LA, who are absolutely fantastic and I love being able to see them at least 4 out of the 7 days of the week, but my friends who are far away from me too. New friends, old friends, all friends. I just love 'em all.

I have two friends coming to visit me this next week. One gets in on Friday and stays til Wednesday, the other gets in on that same Wednesday and stays until Monday. How fun?! I'm hoping for nice weather, it's been quite rainy and in the high 50's lately...and that's just not very LA-like. Oh! And my mom is coming out at the end of March, this is going to be a good month.

Friends who are far away seem to be going farther and farther. Friend just traveled to Guatemala with her boyfriend, Meredith is going to London very soon and Abby and Dawn are just totally rocking their lives in general in Madison. I love that we are doing what we love doing, and that's traveling, and being ourselves.

Also, on a different note, my bosses are taking off for NYC from March until mid-June for two new projects they are embarking on. This equals a way different job schedule for me..I think. I'm not sure what it will be like not seeing them for pretty solid lengths of time. And of course the three hour time difference won't help either. We shall see. Hopefully I'll get to experience my first NYC trip as well :)

I hope you all are well, sorry this was brief, but I gotta get back to work. Miss you xoxo